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104 contracting, privacy, counseling liabilities, principles of insurance, intellectual property rights, employment, and other human resource matters. Two hours. LD 661 Leading Teams This course helps leaders develop a theological and managerial approach for developing and leading teams. Students will develop a strategy to build a team for a specific organization or ministry of their choice. Two hours. LD 794 Leadership in Action Helps leaders learn a repeatable process for organizational problem solving. Each student will conduct a leadership action research project. The project should initiate a collaborative change effort in an organization by diagnosing a problem, researching the problem, developing an action plan based on the diagnosis and research, and designing an evaluation plan to be conducted after making the change. If there is adequate time and organizational approval, the project may include actual implementation of the action plan. The project is completed by writing a written report and giving an oral presentation of the project to seminar participants. This seminar is reserved for leadership students in the spring semester of the final year of study who have completed most of their leadership courses. Offered spring semesters. Two hours. MESSIANIC JUDAISM Courses in Messianic Judaism (1) Train leaders for service in the Jewish community; (2) educate current and future Protestant leaders in Messianic Judaism issues and in the Jewish background of Christianity; (3) encourage an active partnership between the Messianic and Protestant communities in their service for the kingdom of God; (4) foster an atmosphere of globalization and diversity at Denver Seminary; and (5) provide a sound academic environment where students can establish a solid theological and biblical foundation for ministry to Jews and Gentiles. MJ 501 Introduction to Messianic Judaism This course surveys the major themes and issues related to Messianic Judaism and exposes students to its traditions, practices, and beliefs from biblical, historical, and theological perspectives. This course focuses primarily on God's covenants with Israel and their interpretation in Jewish and Christian contexts since biblical times. Offered fall semesters, even years. Two hours. MJ 502 Messianic Jewish Liturgy and Symbolism This course surveys Messianic Jewish ways of approaching God, with particular attention to the liturgical and symbolic expressions of corporate worship and lifestyle. Addressed is the critical question of how Messianic Jews integrate the good news of new covenant faith with the historical understandings and practices of Judaism. Whereas in Judaism, the use of liturgy and symbols facilitate communal obedience to God's revealed will, it will be demonstrated that, in Messianic Judaism, these same practices also enrich the individual's new covenant faith experience of direct access to God. Combining cultural, epistemological, and historical understanding of one's reading of Scripture helps students gain an inside view of the way God has raised up a people whose highest destiny is to live God's revealed blueprint for changing the world. Two hours. MJ 503 Messianic Jewish Apologetics I: Historical and Theological Objections Provides a response to the principle Jewish objections to the Messianic credentials of Jesus of Nazareth, including historical, theological, Messianic prophecy, New Testament, and traditional Jewish objections. Topics seek to sensitize students to the reasoning behind the objections along with equipping them with reasonable, literate, and biblical responses. May also credit as an apologetics and ethics elective. Two hours.