Denver Seminary

Academic Catalog 2018-2019

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116 PASTORAL MINISTRY AND EVANGELISM How the Christian message can effectively be implemented is a problem facing leaders, teachers, pastors, evangelists, and counselors in all phases of their distinctive ministries. The purpose of this department is to help students solve that problem. Three principles undergird all the courses: The church is the primary agent in the program of Christian outreach and nurture, there is no dichotomy between the thorough mastery of technique and prayerful reliance on the Holy Spirit, and edification must follow evangelism and mission. PME 514 History of Christian Worship Introduces students to the origin and practice of early Christian worship and follows those practices through the centuries and traditions leading to twenty-first century paradigms of worship. Students will explore the emergence of broad philosophic approaches to worship throughout the history of the church. Two hours. PME 590, 690 Studies in Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism These course numbers are reserved for courses of special or one-time interest that do not otherwise appear in the catalog. Two or three hours. PME 591, 691 Individualized Study in Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism These course numbers are reserved for courses that are designed to free the student for independent investigation in pastoral ministry under the guidance of a professor. One to three hours. PME 601 Pastoral Leadership and the Practice of Ministry Designed to provide some of the primary theological, practical, and culturally relevant foundations for pastoral and parachurch ministry in the twenty-first century. Teaching will focus on leadership in church and parachurch contexts, pastoral roles and their functions, relational skills, administrative competence, people development, and both personal and congregational vision, mission and values. While much of what is taught and read will have clear implications for ministry in cross-cultural contexts, the course will reflect an emphasis on the society and ethos of North America. Offered spring semesters. Two hours. PME 603 Evangelism and the Mission of God This course provides a biblical and theological framework that seeks to help students define a theological vision for ministry, particularly in the area of evangelism and mission. Students learn about the dynamic interplay between gospel, culture, theological tradition, and the Missio Dei and will gain an understanding of how to operate at the intersection of those four streams. It also seeks to integrate evangelism and mission and present these concepts as part of the same continuum in the life of faith. To accomplish these goals, the course will address the following topics: What is the gospel? What is culture and how is it formed? What influence does our particular theological tradition play in our understanding of the Great Commission? What is the doctrine of the Missio Dei and what correctives does it offer us? How can we develop integrated evangelism strategies that effectively lead unbelievers to faith and maturity in Jesus Christ? Offered spring semesters. Two hours. PME 604 Worship Theory and Practice This interactive course introduces students to the principles and practice of designing and implementing various forms of Protestant worship experiences. It includes theological instruction and hands-on practice within their own faith tradition, in Protestant settings, the wider Ecumenical Christian community, multi- faith contexts, and secular, community settings. Students will learn how to create, structure, organize, lead, and implement a wide variety of worship and religious services without compromising their personal beliefs and those of their faith community. This course focuses on a holistic worship experience

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