Denver Seminary

Academic Catalog 2018-2019

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38 MDIV ORAL EXAM Students have up to three attempts to successfully complete the MDiv oral examination process, as described below. First Attempt: The first attempt for the paper consists of the paper as originally submitted and, if requested by the committee, a revised version (revision #1). The first attempt for the oral exam consists of an oral examination. If a student registers for MDiv orals and withdraws after the deadline to add a course (second Friday of the semester) or remains registered for the semester but does not take the oral exam, this counts as one attempt toward the allowance of three. Second Attempt: If a student fails the paper and/or the oral on the first attempt, the student may, in the same semester and under the supervision of the same committee, make a second attempt. If the paper was failed in the first attempt, this second attempt consists of one revised version of the paper (revision #2). If the oral exam was failed, this second attempt consists of another oral examination. Third (Final) Attempt: If a student fails the paper and/or the oral exam on the second attempt, the chair of the oral examination committee will make a recommendation to the Provost/Dean regarding whether or not the student should be required to undertake specific coursework or study as a condition for undertaking a third and final attempt. The Provost/Dean will make a determination regarding this, in consultation with the chair and the faculty of record, and will inform both the student and the Registrar's Office of this decision. In accord with the Provost/Dean's decision, the student may register for MDiv oral exam again in a subsequent semester and make a third and final attempt in that semester, under the supervision of a different committee. If the paper was failed in the second attempt, this third and final attempt consists of one further revision of the paper (revision #3). If the oral exam was failed, this third and final attempt consists of one more oral examination. No further attempts beyond this third attempt are permitted. Failure in a third attempt precludes the student from graduating with an MDiv degree. If a student registers for MDiv orals and withdraws before taking the oral exam or remains registered for the semester but does not take the oral, this counts as one attempt toward the allowance of three. If (a) this is not in the revised text and (b) is confirmed as being the policy, then a statement to this effect should be added. COURSE EXTENSIONS Students are required to complete all course work during the semester or session (intersession or summer) in which courses are taken. Some students may need to reduce the number of classes taken each semester to accomplish this. The Seminary recognizes, however, that on occasion, extenuating circumstances may warrant the granting of additional time to complete course work. Such situations require the recommendation of the professor and the approval of the Dean of Students . Extenuating circumstances include such events as a death in the family, a serious illness or accident that prevented the student from attending class or completing the work, birth of a child, and similar events that could not have been anticipated or prevented by the student. Events that would not be considered extenuating include being too busy, travel plans, employment demands, ministry commitments, and minor illnesses. Extensions, when granted, are for a period of one week to no more than eight weeks. Failure on the part of the student to complete all the required course work in the allotted time will result in a grade assignment based on course work completed through the last day of the approved extension period. For fall and spring semesters, course extension must be requested and approved by noon on the Friday of the last day of the semester. For intersession and summer classes, course extension requests must be

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