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Project and Thesis The project and thesis bring together knowing, being, and doing. We call this "developing ministry through research." To be effective, the whole process must be bathed in prayer from start to finish (Jn. 15:5). Students choose an area of need in their ministry. They evaluate where they and their people are, and then set goals for the ministry project. Students do both biblical and theoretical research to develop a training program that is appropriate to help move themselves and their people toward their goal. Once they have completed their ministry project they evaluate how far they have "traveled" – that is, how well they achieved their goal. Mentoring Students choose mentors who will go through training with the student in the mentoring process. Good mentors can walk with the student through the Doctor of Ministry program. In addition, a first reader, second reader, and research consultant will give guidance in the research and design of their project and thesis. The goal is to help students develop ministry that is appropriate to their situation. Once students learn this process they can use it throughout their lives. We then can say they are a "Doctor of Ministry," balanced in knowing, being, and doing. History Denver Seminary is a Bible-based evangelical seminary committed to training students to be effective ministry leaders who live what they teach. Denver Seminary's Doctor of Ministry degree was first offered in 1976. Denver Seminary is accredited by both The Association of Theological Schools and The North Central Association of Schools and Colleges. The Doctor of Ministry degree is an applicational degree. Students learn how to apply knowledge effectively in their ministry. Men and women in ministry improve their skills and enlarge their vision in order to be effective in ministry at the doctoral level. Research is carried through to action. Theological and theoretical study is demanding , but the application of that study is much more demanding. People don't want leaders who only know the truth, but those who can also apply it effectively to help others successfully move forward. Effectiveness in ministry is the goal. Page 6