Denver Seminary

2021-2022 Academic Catalog

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112 HOM 590, 690 Studies in Homiletics These course numbers are reserved for courses of special or one-time interest that do not otherwise appear in the catalog. Two or three hours. HOM 591, 691 Individualized Study in Homiletics These course numbers are reserved for courses that are designed to free the student for independent investigation in homiletics under the guidance of a professor. One to three hours. HOM 701 Expository Preaching of Old Testament Texts Linking Hebrew exegesis with the exposition of the Old Testament, the instruction in this course focuses on the exegesis of different types of Old Testament literature and the preparation of relevant expository sermons from those texts. It explores, in depth, the theological implications of the Old Testament and its application for contemporary audiences. Students will prepare and preach at least two sermons based on different sections of the Old Testament. Evaluations will be offered by the students and the instructor. Prerequisites: OT 502 Hebrew II; HOM 500 Introduction to Expository Preaching. Three hours. HOM 743 Advanced Expository Preaching I Designed to provide more practice in the discipline of expository preaching. Class format includes discussion, sermon preparation and presentation, the emphasis of scriptural authority in preaching, and how to make sermons relevant to contemporary audiences. A spiritual formation component is included to help students grow in their personal relationship with Christ. Prerequisite: HOM 500 Introduction to Expository Preaching. Two hours. HOM 744 Advanced Expository Preaching II A continuation of HOM 743 Advanced Expository Preaching I. Prerequisite: HOM 500 Introduction to Expository Preaching. Two hours. HOM 750 Interpreting and Preaching Difficult Texts and Topics This course gives students exposure to and practice in the interpretation and exposition of biblical texts and current topics that are deemed to be especially challenging to both preachers and contemporary listeners. Prerequisites: GS 500 Thinking Biblically and Theologically, HOM 500 Introduction to Expository Preaching. Three hours. INTERCULTURAL MINISTRY Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations. Courses in this program facilitate the accomplishment of this vital task. This program (1) enables those who intend to remain in North America to become more culturally sensitive and to minister with competence among people of diverse backgrounds and ethnicity; (2) equips both prospective and experienced overseas missionaries for effective intercultural ministry; and (3) gives nationals from other countries skills to help them minister more effectively in their own contexts. IM 610 Mission and Culture Explores the foundations and implications of the mission paradigm in hermeneutics, theology, and ministry with particular attention given to the exegesis and engagement of culture in mission. Two hours.

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