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22 passing grade with Denver Seminary. All advanced standing exams are allotted two hours. The passing grade for each advanced standing exam is 80%. Retakes are not allowed for advanced standing exams. Exams are offered in the following courses: CH 500 History of the Christian Movement (3 hours) NT 501, NT 502 New Testament Greek I and II (6 hours) NT 511 Gospels and Acts (3 hours) NT 512 Epistles and Revelation (3 hours) OT 501 Hebrew I (3 hours) OT 502 Hebrew II (3 hours) OT 511 Israel's Early History and Poetry (3 hours) OT 512 Kingdom of Israel and Prophets (3 hours) TH 501 Survey of Christian Doctrine I (3 hours) TH 502 Survey of Christian Doctrine II (3 hours) 2. By evaluation of the undergraduate transcript (usually with a major in Bible, theology, Christian ministries or related field). Courses which are determined to be comparable to certain required courses at Denver Seminary may be applied to a qualifying Denver Seminary program— with credit. A syllabus is required for each course that is reviewed; an oral interview and/or course papers may be required in addition to a syllabus. The following courses are available for consideration: AE 500 Apologetics and Ethics (3 hours) CE 511 Theological and Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Engagement (2 hours) CF 602 Spiritual Formation for Life and Ministry (2 hours) CH 500 History of the Christian Movement (3 hours) EM 604 Teaching for Life Change (2 hours) IM 610 Mission and Culture (2 hours) LD 501 Theoretical and Theological Foundations for Leadership (2 hours) NT 511 Gospels and Acts (3 hours) NT 512 Epistles and Revelation (3 hours) NT 611 Using Greek in New Testament Exegesis (3 hours) OT 501 Hebrew I (3 hours) OT 502 Hebrew II (3 hours) OT 511 Israel's Early History and Poetry (3 hours) OT 512 Kingdom of Israel and Prophets (3 hours) OT 701 Hebrew Exegesis of Old Testament Texts (3 hours) PME 601 Pastoral Leadership and the Practice of Ministry (2 hours) PME 603 Evangelism and the Mission of God (2 hours) PME 604 Worship Theory and Practice (2 hours) TH 501 Survey of Christian Doctrine I (3 hours) TH 502 Survey of Christian Doctrine II (3 hours) To qualify for an advanced standing transcript review, the following criteria must be met: a. Must enroll at Denver Seminary within five years of college graduation. b. A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.00 with a minimum grade of B in each eligible course must be earned. c. Courses will not be considered if they exceed the timeframes as detailed in the Program Completion Time Limits policy (see Academic Procedures section of this catalog). Questions regarding advanced standing should be directed to the Registrar's Office (