6. Students' total internships must cover at least three of the five doctoral core areas (counseling,
teaching, supervision, research and scholarship, leadership and advocacy).
Graduation Requirements
1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of sixty-six semester hours. A minimum cumulative grade
point average of 3.00 is required for graduation.
2. Satisfactory completion of a doctoral dissertation, including an oral defense of that dissertation
3. Satisfactory fulfillment of any requirements determined by the Counseling Student Assessment
4. Submission and approval of an application for graduation. Students must submit the graduation
application via the online form by the deadline posted for the semester in which the student
expects to graduate. Students may contact the Registrar's Office for the link to the graduation
application for a given semester. After the graduation application submission deadline, students
will receive notice of their application approval status.
5. The fulfillment of all financial obligations to Denver Seminary.
6. Completion of all course work that is applying to the degree within seven years from the date of
first enrollment in courses (this includes any transfer credit that is applied to the degree).
Withdrawal for any period of time during the degree program does not affect this time limit.
Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision
66 hours