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125 NT 796 New Testament Thesis Proposal This course is for students in the Master of Arts program. Students submit a thesis proposal by the due date of the term of registration and receive a grade of satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Once students register for thesis proposal, they must remain enrolled in NT 798 in subsequent semesters until the term of registration for NT 799. Prerequisite: instructor permission. One hour. NT 798 New Testament Thesis Continuation This course is for students in the Master of Arts program. Students who are not ready to enroll in NT 799 should register for NT 798 each semester until they are ready to enroll in NT 799. Course is graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Two consecutive semesters of receiving an unsatisfactory grade and/or two consecutive semesters of not paying the continuation fee will result in withdrawal from the program. Prerequisite: NT 796 New Testament Thesis Proposal. No credit. NT 799 Thesis in New Testament This course is for students in the Master of Arts program. Students should register for NT 799 when they are ready to complete the thesis process in a particular semester. Note that there are no course extensions for projects or theses. Prerequisite: NT 796 New Testament Thesis Proposal. Three hours. NT 801 The Quests of the Historical Jesus Surveys the three quests of the historical Jesus and current possibilities for future quests. Students will read selections of primary sources from major contributors to the various quests and analyze their contexts, contents, and consequences in order to assess them in light of the New Testament Gospels and other ancient sources relevant to Jesus of Nazareth. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the ThM program or instructor permission. Three hours. NT 802 Issues in Pauline Studies Surveys and critically evaluates recent discussion in studies of Paul. Includes detailed analysis of historical issues, literary studies, social-scientific analysis, and other newer methods, and issues in Pauline theology. Special consideration will be given to new perspective approaches to Paul. The student will read major works in these areas and be able to assess their significance and value. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the ThM program or instructor permission. Three hours. NT 831 Advanced Greek Grammar and Linguistics Considers recent developments in NT Greek grammar in light of recent research in linguistics and its application to Koine Greek. This course focuses on the most recent advances in Greek grammar, including verbal aspect theory, cases, the Greek voice system, and discourse analysis. The student will read broadly in these areas and focus on their application to the interpretation of the Greek NT. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the ThM program or instructor permission. Three hours. NT 890 Studies in New Testament This course number is reserved for courses of special or one-time interest that do not otherwise appear in the catalog. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the ThM program or instructor permission. Two or three hours. NT 891 Individualized Study in New Testament These course numbers are reserved for courses that are designed to free the student for independent investigation in New Testament under the guidance of a professor. Prerequisites: Enrollment in the ThM program; instructor permission. One to three hours.