Denver Seminary

2024-2025 Academic Catalog V1

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8 DENVER SEMINARY EDUCATIONAL VALUES Compelled by the biblical vision for love of God and others, and compelled by Christ's commission to make disciples of all nations, Denver Seminary graduates will be characterized by the following, as expressed within their degree programs. Biblically and Theologically Grounded Demonstrate integrated biblical and theological competence. Contextually Sensitive Serve all people effectively and faithfully, with cultural discernment, and without prejudice or favoritism. Spiritually Mature and Growing Exhibit a mature and growing Christlikeness in character. Vocationally Fit Discern and pursue personal vocation in a theologically integrated manner. FITNESS FOR MINISTRY AND PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITION Two overarching rubrics are utilized to gauge students' development and formation during their program as well as their readiness to receive a degree from Denver Seminary: 1) Fitness for Ministry, and 2) Professional Disposition. Although distinct categories, Fitness for Ministry and Professional Disposition work in tandem and share many qualities, as ministry work necessitates an appropriate level of professional acumen, and many professions are conduits through which students will fulfill their call to participate in kingdom work. Defining Fitness for Ministry and Professional Disposition The Community Values and Behavioral Commitments and policy on Academic Integrity (both of which are provided in the Student Handbook) constitute minimal behavioral expectations in light of the Seminary's commitment to graduate individuals who are "fit for ministry." Professional Disposition can be defined as "the commitments, characteristics, values, beliefs, interpersonal functioning, and behaviors" 1 that influence a student's interactions with others to achieve the objectives of their chosen field of study, including but not limited to many of the expectations outlined in the Community Values and Behavioral Commitments. Through Denver Seminary's educational programs and mentoring process students are challenged to grow spiritually, intellectually, and professionally in order to lead God's people in the accomplishment of His mission in the world. Denver Seminary is a community that is committed to the processes involved in equipping students with the skills and sensitivities to be competent in their chosen vocation both as professionals and ministers of the gospel. As such, Fitness for Ministry and Professional Disposition provide a framework for the qualities, character traits, skills, and core competencies the Seminary expects its students and graduates to exhibit. Faculty, staff, mentors, and others with evaluative responsibilities will have these two rubrics in mind when assessing student behavior and performance. More information about Fitness for Ministry, Professional Disposition, and the process the Seminary will use to address concerns related to these areas of students' development and formation, see the Foundational Commitments and Non-Academic Policies and Services sections of the Student Handbook. 1 (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs)

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