Denver Seminary

2024-2025 Academic Catalog V1

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147 MENTORED FORMATION (REQUIRED) MF 1101 Rhythms of Reflection Course focuses on the rhythms that guide a healthy walk with Christ and relationships with others. Students will develop a plan of action for health and wholeness so they may engage the world through redemptive relationships. One hour. MF 1102 Cross-Cultural Listening and Learning Learning and practice in the areas of cross-cultural listening and reflection. Particular emphasis will be made on exploring and identifying personal stereotypes and biases and understanding power dynamics. One hour. MF 1103 Peer-Mentored Character Formation Students discern, develop, manage, and reflect on a customized learning experience that is focused on character development and engaged with the assistance of a peer mentor. One hour. MF 1104 Combined Formation This course combines Rhythms of Reflection, Cross-Cultural Listening and Learning, and Character Formation into one course. Three hours. ADVANCED PREACHING AP 1101 Preaching in a Postmodern Culture: Difficult Texts, Topics, and Times Gives students exposure to and practice in the interpretation and exposition of biblical texts, current topics and painful life situations deemed especially challenging to both preachers and contemporary listeners. Students will demonstrate ways they can address these situations biblically and appropriately through preaching. Prerequisites: FC 1101 Biblical and Theological Reflection on the Practice of Ministry; FC 1102 Relational and Vocational Foundations of Ministry. Three hours. AP 1102 How People Grow Examines biblical and theological bases and the major theoretical models of human development and life span encompassing spiritual, cognitive, emotional, and physical growth and their interrelationship. Special attention is given to the roles of community and relationship with the Triune God and others in the growth process. Prerequisites: FC 1101 Biblical and Theological Reflection on the Practice of Ministry; FC 1102 Relational and Vocational Foundations of Ministry. Three hours. AP 1103 Developing Clear and Compelling Sermon Structure Students will analyze five commonly used approaches for structuring a sermon, assess the merits of each, and ascertain which might be most effective for their context generally and for any sermon particularly. In addition to these "macro-structure" approaches, attention will be given to the "micro-structure" within and between the sermon's main points, for maximum clarity and effectiveness. Prerequisites: FC 1101 Biblical and Theological Reflection on the Practice of Ministry; FC 1102 Relational and Vocational Foundations of Ministry. Three hours. AP 1104 Preaching, Power, and Personality Provides students with instruction and practice in preaching skills within exploration of the various understandings of the role and responsibilities of the preacher within a faith community. Special attention will be given to the types and sources of a preacher's authority, the power dynamics of preaching, and how personality impacts preaching. Prerequisites: FC 1101 Biblical and Theological Reflection on the Practice of Ministry; FC 1102 Relational and Vocational Foundations. Three hours.

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