Denver Seminary operates on a semester system and awards the following grades.
Grade Numerical Scale Quality Points
(per semester hr)
A Excellent 100–93 4.0
A- 92–90 3.7
B+ 89–87 3.3
B Good 86–83 3.0
B- 82–80 2.7
C+ 79–77 2.3
C Satisfactory 76–73 2.0
C- 72–70 1.7
D+ 69–67 1.3
D Poor 66-63 1.0
D- 62–60 0.7
F Fail 59–0 0.0
W Withdraw
WP Withdraw Passing
WF Withdraw Failing 0.0
WA Withdraw Audit
AU Audit
I Incomplete (indicates an approved course extension)
NR Not Reported
Training and mentoring grades, excluding TM 500 (master's-level):
S Satisfactory
M Marginal
U Unsatisfactory
Internship and practicum grades (master's-level and PhD)*:
E Exceptional
S Satisfactory
M Marginal
U Unsatisfactory
Thesis Continuation grades, masters-level:
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
Thesis grades, DMin-level (DT 1101, 1102, and 1104):
P Pass
F Fail
Dissertation grades, PhD-level (CO 4100, CO 4150, CO 4200):
P Pass
F Fail
*Excluding Chaplaincy internships/practicum