Denver Seminary

2024-2025 Academic Catalog V1

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53 1 Students with a Chaplaincy concentration complete six hours of Greek OR Hebrew. 2 One New Testament and one Old Testament course must be selected from the following: NT 611, NT 635, OT 701, OT 640, OT 648, or OT 649. Additional courses may be taken as electives. 3 Students in the Biblical Preaching, Biblical Studies, New Testament or Old Testament concentrations must take NT 611 Using Greek in NT Exegesis and ONE of the following courses: OT 701 Hebrew Exegesis of OT Texts, OT 640 Book of Joshua: Analysis, Hermeneutics and Theology, OT 648 Book of Genesis, OR OT 649 Reading the Psalms for Today as their additional bible/language requirement. 4 Students with a Chaplaincy concentration must complete PME 604 as one of their ministry leadership electives. 5 Choose two courses from the following: SF 602, EM 604, IM 610, LD 501, PME 601, PME 603, PME 604, or TJA 501 6 Students who opt for a concentration complete a certain number of open electives. Degree Requirements 1. Note the following sequence requirements in the Master of Divinity program: a. OT 501 and OT 502 must be taken in sequence (or by either passing the Hebrew proficiency examinations or by transcript review detailed in the Advanced Standing policy) and are required as a foundation for those who elect to take OT 701 and OT 640 or any other Old Testament exegesis courses. b. NT 501 and NT 502 must be taken in sequence (or by passing the Greek proficiency examination detailed in the Advanced Standing policy) and are required as a foundation for those who elect to take NT 611 and NT 635 or any other New Testament exegesis courses. c. GS 500 Thinking Biblically and Theologically is a pre-or co-requisite to NT 511 and NT 512, the two New Testament survey courses, and TH 501 and TH 502, the two theology survey courses. 2. All Master of Divinity students are required to complete the summative experience. This includes a paper and an interview related to the paper. Completion of GS 500, CH 500, TH 501, and TH 502 are required for Master of Divinity Summative Experience registration. Also, since this is a summative experience, students are required to be in their final semester or have completed a minimum of 70 credit hours of their degree coursework before registering. Students will be charged the Master of Divinity Summative Experience drop fee if they withdraw after the add/drop deadline. 3. A minimum of seventy-nine semester hours is required for the degree. Graduation Requirements 1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of seventy-nine semester hours. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation. 2. Satisfactory completion of the Master of Divinity Summative Experience. This two-part process includes: a. The preparation of a doctrinal paper similar to one prepared for ordination council. b. A satisfactory defense of the doctrinal paper through an oral interview. 3. Submission and approval of an application for graduation. Students must submit the graduation application via the online form by the deadline posted for the semester in which the student expects to graduate. Students may contact the Registrar's Office for the link to the graduation application for a given semester. After the graduation application submission deadline, students will receive notice of their application approval status. 4. The fulfillment of all financial obligations to Denver Seminary. 5. Completion of all course work that is applying to the degree within the timeframe specified in the Program Completion Time Limits policy (this includes any transfer credit or advanced standing that applies to the degree program). 6. Submission of a signed statement of agreement with the National Association of Evangelicals' Statement of Faith.

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