Denver Seminary

2024-2025 PhD Budget Worksheet

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Reference Guide for Seminary-Estimated Costs Estimates are based on market analysis of local and national prices. Because estimates are based on market valuations, they are subject to change and fluctuate with the economy. Tuition & Fees Due to the nature of the PhD courses being offered in the summer, an F-1 student must acquire a new SEVIS number and I-20 for each residential class session since these sessions happen more than 5 months apart. Classes will be for one week and since the class session is all day for the week of residential learning, this is considered full time. Tuition .............................................. Based on 6 credits per residential course session and $870 per credit hour. For PhD students, this is considered full time. Fees .................................................... Some courses have special fees for materials and testing, but this will vary. Books ................................................. This cost will vary depending on the kinds of books and amount needed. Supplies ........................................... Pens, notebooks, folders, backpack/satchel – any supplies for use as a student Housing Room ................................................. Based on the average cost of a hotel room in the Denver area ($125/night for 6 nights). If housing is being provided by host families, this can be noted on the budget sheet. Transportation Public Transit ............................... Referring to bus, light rail, taxi, etc. for the duration of stay Living Expenses Food ................................................... Based on an average of $40/day for food Medical Health Insurance ........................ Required travel insurance or insurance coverage in the US for all international students and dependents Other Costs (Not included in estimated total) Airfare .............................................. Referring to costs associated with traveling to/from U.S.; will vary Laptop/Computer ...................... Purchase price, software, and cost of accessories will vary Children Additional $4,000 per child… Referring to additional cost for child joining you in Denver for your residential course

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