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118 basic skills needed to counsel individuals and families within a church fellowship. Offered spring semesters, alternate fall semesters, and alternate summers. Two hours. PME 613 Worship and Culture Introduces students to the spectrum of worship styles present in churches today. Formal liturgy, seeker sensitive, and parachurch campfires will all be part of the exposure to differing styles and elements of contemporary worship and the cultural forces that have both formed and informed them. Globalization is an integral part of the course as worship represented by various ethnicities and cross-cultural settings is explored. Two hours. PME 633 Presbyterian History and Polity Introduction to the history of Presbyterianism and the distinctives, connectional functioning, and processes of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Offered on sufficient demand. Two hours. PME 701 Evangelism and Discipleship Examines biblical principles of evangelism and discipleship ministry emphasizing the development of personal gifts and skills. Attention is given to promoting evangelism and discipleship ministry in the local church. Offered spring semesters, alternate fall semesters, and alternate summers. Two hours. PME 702 Growing in Ministry Leadership Examines the biblical foundations for servant leadership with attention to the gifts of the Spirit, development of personal leadership style, leadership functions, and administrative skills in the church. MDiv students with a concentration in leadership should take LD 501 instead of PME 702. Offered spring semesters, alternate fall semesters, and alternate summers. Three hours. PME 720 Intergenerational Ministry Designed to enlarge students' thinking and understanding of what constitutes significant children, youth, adult, and family ministry as an integral part of a local congregation. It addresses the need for intergenerational ministry strategies in combination with age specific ministry for faith formation. Two hours. PME 751 Administration and Organization of Worship Ministry This course addresses the essence of worship ministry in the church. Beyond the design of weekly worship services, students will study the church calendar, recruiting, budgeting, copyright/legal issues, creative worship settings, and the use of technology/media in the development of worship services. Technicians and software experts will be invited to exhibit and explain the most recent developments in their fields. Students will study liturgical and nonliturgical forms of worship and write their own worship outlines and scripts, honoring the practices of their church or ministry. Two hours. PME 755 Worship Practicum This course provides students the opportunity to build worship teams, design services, and lead the student body at Denver Seminary in worship during weekly chapel services. Pre- or corequisite: PME 751 Administration and Organization of Worship Ministry. Two hours.