Denver Seminary

Engage Magazine - Fall 2014

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The Bible is not just a historical artifact that we preserve in a glass case to treasure from afar …. Scripture confronts us with the living God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It divulges God's will and purposes for His people and affirms its claims over us (2 Tim. 3:17). Our entire lives must come under its authority. Dr. David Mathewson PRESIDENT'S LETTER Mark Young, PhD PRESIDENT ENGAGE 3 "The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that's the book for me." I suspect several of us grew up singing that little ditty in Sunday School, Christian camps, and VBS. Are you humming the tune right now? Revered by many and reviled by others, the Bible remains a foundation for faith and a flashpoint of controversy around the world. As evangelicals, we are people of the Book. That's why Denver Seminary believes in the life-changing truth of Scripture and places such emphasis on it. Since its founding, Denver Seminary has been committed to the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible. We stand by that commitment, resolute and unyielding. The Bible forms the basis of our doctrinal statement and the centerpiece of our curriculum. We study the Bible and look to it as our authoritative reference, measuring theories and arguments against the standard of its affirmations. We marvel at its intricacies and revel in its simplicity. We meditate on it and contemplate how profoundly it describes the human condition and God's saving solution for us. We preach and teach the Bible. We sing it, recite it, and look to it for enduring truth while the world around us changes. We believe that the Bible is the story of human history, the story of human destiny, the one true account of the one true God's engagement with humanity. From the beginning to the end of time, from creation to the fall, from redemption to consummation, the Bible unfolds God's love-saturated mission to bring all people into a worshipping relationship with Himself. Now, that's life- changing, world-altering, cosmos-shaking truth! The next time you hold the Scriptures in your hands, don't do so with nonchalance. Marvel at the miracle that is the Bible.

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