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that leads to increased eye health, and 3) disciple- making through the many relationships formed through the first two efforts. "Cataracts are a huge problem in Togo. Malnutrition, dehydration, dirty water, trauma, being close to the equator, and all the work outside done without sunglasses contribute to the vast numbers of cataracts in Togo. The disease blinds the young and old alike. We even operate on babies who have it," said Beth. "On average, we do 50 to 60 surgeries a month in our retrofitted ambulance that drives from village to village." The medical team goes in, and then the ministry team follows, building relationships with the villagers. "The Togolese people primarily come from Muslim backgrounds, with a peppering of tribal Voodoo, but our eye surgeries are our doorway to the gospel," said Beth. A recent partnership between and In Touch Ministries provided 250 audio Bibles in the two local languages to numerous villages. Now house churches are springing up in which people listen to the Bible all day long. "Lewis hired me on the spot and said, 'I'm not hiring you because of your experience in missions; I'm hiring you because of your heart.'" Beth has been at for two years now and has witnessed changed lives as the people gain sight of the world around them and of the face of the Lord of Lords who is calling them to be His children. Ultimately, the waiting was worth it because Beth wakes up every day thinking, I can't believe I get to do this! Beth Reed, 2006 graduate of the Master of Divinity program, fulfills her calling to cross-cultural ministry through administrative support from the headquarters in Texas, as well as periodic trips to Togo, West Africa, to document and participate in the work. Her husband, Austin, is also a Denver Seminary alumnus, and they have two adorable, young children. ENGAGE 19 Recommend a Friend for a Legacy Scholarship THE DENVER SEMINARY LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP IS AN INITIATIVE WE INVITE OUR NETWORK OF ALUMNI TO PARTICIPATE IN AWARDING. YOU KNOW TALENTED, PASSIONATE PEOPLE WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM THE SEMINARY EXPERIENCE. YOU KNOW THOSE WHOSE HEARTS BREAK FOR THE BROKENHEARTED AND WHO WANT TO COME ALONGSIDE THE SUFFERING TO USHER IN REDEMPTIVE HEALING. THE LIVES YOU TOUCH AND THE CONNECTIONS YOU MAKE ARE INVALUABLE. WE WANT TO STEP TOGETHER WITH YOU IN THAT LEGACY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECOMMEND SOMEONE FOR A $500 LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP, CONTACT THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE AT FINANCIALAID@DENVERSEMINARY.EDU.