Issue link:
23 Advanced standing application fee, per exam or course awarded ................................. $75 Late registration fee ....................................................................................................... $25 The late registration fee begins the third week of registration for continuing students Late payment fee ............................................................................................................ $35 The late payment fee begins after the Payment Deadline for continuing students Change in schedule between payment deadline and add deadline, per each add or drop $5 Official transcript request (per transcript) ....................................................................... $5 Rush request (per transcript) .................................................................................. $15 Comprehensive Exam drop fee ....................................................................................... $150 Course Fees MA thesis/project continuation fee, per semester ........................................................... $150 ThM thesis continuation fee, per semester ..................................................................... $280 Doctoral thesis continuation fee, per semester ............................................................... $595 MA in Counseling internship fee ................................................................................... $65 MA in Counseling internship continuation fee .............................................................. $200 CF 611 Christian Formation and Soul Care Intensive fee .............................................. $350 CF 640 Following Christ in the Monastic Tradition ....................................................... $150 CHP650 Community-Based Clinical Pastoral Education fee ......................................... $300 CO 510 Counseling Foundations fee ............................................................................. $335 CO 511 Counseling Practicum fee ................................................................................. $265 CO 525 Career Development and Assessment fee ........................................................ $40 CO 526 Therapeutic Communication fee ...................................................................... $20 CO 602 Assessment and Measurement fee ..................................................................... $30 CO 657 Counseling Responses in Crises and Disasters fee ............................................ $150 CP 643 Planting and Leading Mission-Shaped New Churches ...................................... $100 LD 571 Catalyst Conference Fee ................................................................................... $300 OL 500 Introduction to Wilderness Ministry .................................................................. $225 OL 501 Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Found. of Outdoor Leadership .......... $160 OL 601 Stewardship in Creation: Theology and Outdoor Practices ............................... $35 OL 650 Outdoor Leadership Practicum .......................................................................... $245 TM 500 Introduction to Mentored Formation Fee .......................................................... $250 *Note that fees are nonrefundable and a fee that is not included above may be added to a course at the discretion of the professor. AUDIT Those eligible to audit a course in which a transcript record is kept pay $195 per credit hour. Those eligible to audit without a transcript record may audit a course for a $35 fee. Consult the Registrar's Office for eligibility requirements and the application form. REFUND POLICY Refunds are given on a prorated basis and are based on the date the course is officially dropped. Note that a lack of class attendance and/or failure to make a payment on your account does not affect this policy. It is the students' responsibility to ensure that a class is dropped. The student is still responsible for payment unless tuition charges are refunded based on this policy. The refund policy applies only to tuition (fees are nonrefundable) and is as follows: