Denver Seminary

DMin Academic Catalog 2014-2015

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32 Academic Programs Degree requirements published in this catalog are effective for all new and reentering students. Denver Seminary offers a thirty-four-hour professional program leading to the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree for those who are currently in ministry and who hold the Master of Divinity degree or its educational equivalent DOCTOR OF MINISTRY DEGREE (DMIN) There are a number of significant issues facing Christian leaders today, including the challenges of leading and managing highly complex religious organizations, and the breakdown of marriages and families. The Doctor of Ministry program at Denver Seminary is designed to help encourage, support, and mentor pastors, counselors, and other Christian leaders in their ministries and to equip them with the skills and tools they need to thrive in the work God is calling them to do. Our practical, cutting-edge program gives participants the opportunity to network with, and learn from, other like-minded professionals and to study with some of the finest ministry practitioners and counselors in the country. Program Goal The Doctor of Ministry degree program exists to train and equip Christian leaders, pastors, and counselors with advanced biblical and theological insight and practical ministry tools that will enable them to better serve God in the manifold ministries to which he calls them. The program is designed to help students reflect more deeply on the nature and purpose of ministry and ways they can serve others that are culturally relevant and contextually appropriate. The program seeks to help students grow in their faith and ministry skills so that they may honor Christ in all they do and serve humanity with conviction, passion, and grace. Track Options The DMin program offers two tracks of study, one with four concentrations. 1. Leadership with concentrations in: Chaplaincy Church and Parachurch Executive Leadership Community Spiritual Formation Preaching and Pastoral Ministry 2. Marriage and Family Counseling Leadership Track In each of the four concentrations, students combine required seminars with their own choices to customize the program for themselves. Seminars are conducted on the Denver Seminary campus. Eight one-week seminars (twenty-four hours), mentoring (one hour), two learning contracts (two hours), and a project and thesis (seven hours) total thirty-four semester hours for each concentration. The seminars are held in January and July each year. Extensive reading and special assignments both precede and follow these one-week sessions. Seminars include faculty instruction, peer-group interaction, self-analysis, theological reflection, independent research, and practical projects. Participants normally take two seminars each year (one in January and one in July) and spend a year and a half to two years on the final project and thesis, completing the program in from four to six years.

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