Denver Seminary

Academic Catalog 2015-2016

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106 focuses on the calling and sending of leaders to plant mission-shaped churches. The course provides students with disciplined discernment about their potential for church planting leadership in relationship to profiles of effective and faithful church planting. Two hours. LD 644 The Pace and Stages of Church Planting This course focuses on two areas—the stages of church planting and the pace of church planting. The first surveys the stages of mission-shaped church planting, including building a vision, defining a vision-centered church plant, leadership, gathering a congregation, and organizing a reproducing church in local, regional, and national contexts. The second investigates the pace of church planting in making and mentoring disciples, viral multiplication of disciples through vital churches planting new churches, vibrant practices of spirituality reclaiming ancient Christian tradition, and proactive leadership on moving through different stages in church planting. Two hours. LD 645 Bridging Gospel and Culture through Church Planting Explores the bridges between Gospel and culture from a missiological perspective and through Christian praxis in church planting. Beginning with the biblical record, the course will surface the transcultural aspects of the Gospel. Particular emphasis is placed on cultural bridges that serve as relevant mission-shaped forms of Gospel witness relevant to church planting. Twenty- first century Western emphases such as individualism, technology, and ethnic and religious pluralism provide major parts of the contemporary setting for the church's mission. Case studies are used from the expansive church growth of the Southern Hemisphere church in order to glean insights for recasting new forms of Gospel witness appropriate to North America for church planting. Two hours. LD 651 Legal Issues for the Christian Leader Helps leaders protect their organization or church from lawsuits and develop a practical approach for handling a variety of legal issues. Emphasis is on the evolving body of law regarding such matters as organizational formation, registration, governance of nonprofit corporations, liability prevention, contracting, privacy, counseling liabilities, principles of insurance, intellectual property rights, employment, and other human resource matters. Two hours. LD 661 Leading Teams This course helps leaders develop a theological and managerial approach for developing and leading teams. Students will develop a strategy to build a team for a specific organization or ministry of their choice. Two hours. LD 671 Systems Thinking and Decision-Making Provides an introduction to systems theory and helps leaders to develop a holistic approach to gathering and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and implementing plans. Two hours. LD 794 Leadership in Action Helps leaders learn a repeatable process for organizational problem solving. Each student will conduct a leadership action research project. The project should initiate a collaborative change effort in an organization by diagnosing a problem, researching the problem, developing an action plan based on the diagnosis and research, and designing an evaluation plan to be conducted after

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